200 Topik Penting
Dari Konseling Kristen
20 topik utama
- Allah Bapa (God the Father), Allah Pencipta (God the Creator)
- Baptisan (Baptism)
- Doa (Prayer)
- Dosa (Sin)
- Injil (Gospel)
- Kasih (Love)
- Kematian Yesus (Jesus' death)
- Keselamatan (Salvation)
- Malaikat (Angel)
- Misi (Missions)
- Misi Yesus (Jesus' mission)
- Mujizat-mujizat Yesus (Jesus' miracles, Miracles of Jesus)
- Nama-nama Yesus (Names of Jesus)
- Penebusan (Atonement)
- Pengampunan (Forgiveness)
- Penginjilan (Evangelism)
- Pernikahan (Marriage)
- Pertobatan (Repentance)
- Roh Kudus (Holy Spirit)
- Surga (Heaven, Kingdom of Heaven)
200 topik penting
- Adopsi rohani (Spiritual adoption)
- Agama/kepercayaan (Religion)
- Alasan (Excuses)
- Anak yatim (Orphan)
- Anak-anak (Children)
- Anggur (Wine)
- Anti-Kristus (Antichrist)
- Atheisme (Atheism)
- Baptisan Roh Kudus (Baptism of Holy Spirit)
- Belas kasihan Yesus (Jesus' compassion)
- Duka cita (Bereavement)
- Berkat rohani (Spiritual blessings)
- Bersungut-sungut (Murmuring)
- Buah mulut/gosip (Gossip)
- Buah dosa (Fruits of sin)
- Buah kebenaran (Fruits of righteousness)
- Selibat/bujangan (Celibacy)
- Buku Kristus (Book of Christ)
- Darah Kristus (Blood of Christ)
- Disiplin Gereja (Church discipline)
- Doa Yesus (Prayers of Jesus; Jesus, prayers of)
- Doa dalam kesusahan (Prayer in affliction)
- Doa orang kafir/doa orang keji (Prayer of wicked)
- Doktrin palsu (False doctrine)
- Ejekan (Scoffing)
- Ekaristi/Sakramen (Eucharist)
- Firman (Word)
- Harapan (Hope)
- Sabat/Hari perhentian (Sabbath)
- Hati (Heart)
- Homoseksual (Homosexuality)
- Hukuman (Punishment), Hukuman kekal (Punishment eternal)
- Ibadah (Worship)
- Astronomi (Astronomy)
- Iman dalam Kristus (Faith in Christ)
- Iman pada Allah (Faith in God)
- Inspirasi (Inspiration)
- Integritas (Integrity)
- Istri (Wife)
- Jaminan (Assurance)
- Janda (Widow)
- Janji (Vows)
- Kasih Allah (God's love)
- Kasih karunia/Anugerah (Grace)
- Kasih kepada Allah (Love for God)
- Kasih persaudaraan (Brotherly love)
- Kasih sayang/Perhatian (Affection)
- Amsal/kata-kata bijak (Proverbs)
- Kekatolikan (Catholicity)
- Kebajikan/Kebenaran (Righteousness), Kebajikan/Perbuatan baik (Benevolence)
- Kesombongan/Kebanggaan (Pride)
- Kebangkitan (Resurrection)
- Kebijaksanaan (Wisdom, Prudence)
- Kebutaan Rohani (Spiritual blindness)
- Kedamaian (Peace)
- Kedatangan yang kedua kali (Second coming)
- Keduniawian (Worldliness)
- Kedurhakaan (Impenitence)
- Kegelapan (Darkness)
- Kegigihan (Perseverance)
- Keilahian Yesus (Jesus' divinity)
- Keinginan rohani (Spiritual desire)
- Kekejian (Wicked)
- Kekayaan (Riches)
- Kekekalan (Immortality)
- Kekuasaan Allah (God's power)
- Kekudusan (Holiness)
- Kelahiran baru (Regeneration)
- Kelemah lembutan (Meekness)
- Keluarga (Family)
- Kemabukan (Drunkenness)
- Kemaharajaan Yesus (Jesus' kingship)
- Kemanusiaan Yesus (Jesus' humanity)
- Kematian (Death), Kematian rohani (Spiritual death)
- Kemuliaan Allah (God's glory)
- Memuliakan Allah (Glorifying God)
- Kemunafikan (Hypocrisy)
- Kemurahan (Mercy), Kemurahan Allah (God's mercy)
- Kemurtadan (Apostasy)
- Kepedulian duniawi (Worldly care)
- Kepuasan hati (Contentment)
- Keragu-raguan (Doubt)
- Kerakusan (Gluttony)
- Kerendahan hati (Humility)
- Kerja (Work)
- Kerusakan/kebejatan moral (Depravity)
- Kesabaran (Patience)
- Kesaksian (Testimony)
- Kesatuan (Unity)
- Keselamatan bukan dari usaha (Salvation not by work)
- Kesempatan (Opportunity)
- Kesempurnaan (Perfection)
- Sepuluh Hukum (Decalogue)
- Kesucian/Kemurnian (Chastity)
- Ketaatan (Obedience), Ketaatan Yesus (Jesus' obedience)
- Ketakutan (Fear)
- Ketidakpercayaan (Unbelief)
- Ketidaksetiaan kepada Allah (Infidelity to God; God, infidelity to)
- Ketidaktahuan (Ignorance)
- Keuangan (Finances)
- Kewarganegaraan (Citizenship)
- Khotbah (Preaching)
- Kuasa (Power)
- Lambang (Symbols)
- Miskin (Poor)
- Nabi (Prophets)
- Nama Yesus (Jesus, names of)
- Nama-nama Gereja (Church names)
- Neraka (Hell)
- Nubuatan-nubuatan oleh Yesus (Prophecies by Jesus; Jesus, prophecies by)
- Nubuatan-nubuatan tentang Yesus (Prophecies about Jesus; Jesus, prophecies about)
- Orang kafir (Gentiles)
- Orang tua (Parents)
- Orang yang berutang (Debtor)
- Orang yang memberi pinjaman (Creditor)
- Orang yang terkutuk (Reprobacy)
- Panggilan untuk melayani (Call to service)
- Pegawai (Employee/Employer)
- Pembenaran (Justification)
- Pembenaran diri (Self-righteousness)
- Pemeliharaan Allah (God's provision)
- Penatua Gereja (Elder)
- Penciptaan manusia (Creation of Man)
- Pencobaan (Temptation)
- Penderitaan (Suffering)
- Pengakuan Kristus (Confession of Christ)
- Pengakuan dosa (Conviction of sin)
- Kepengecutan (Cowardice)
- Pengetahuan Allah (God's knowledge)
- Penghakiman (Judgment)
- Penghiburan (Consolation)
- Penghujatan (Blasphemy)
- Pengucapan syukur (Thankfulness)
- Penindasan (Oppression)
- Penyangkalan diri (Self-denial)
- Penyataan Allah melalui alam (God revealed in nature)
- Penyembahan berhala (Idolatry)
- Penyesalan (Penitent)
- Penyucian (Purity, Sanctification)
- Perceraian (Divorce)
- Perhambaan (Servanthood)
- Perhentian (Resignation)
- Perintah Kristus (Commandments of Christ)
- Perintah Yesus yang ditulis oleh murid-murid-Nya (Commandmemts in Epistles)
- Perjanjian baru (New covenant)
- Persahabatan (Friendship)
- Persekutuan dengan Allah (Communion with God, Fellowship with God)
- Persekutuan dengan Kristus (Fellowship with Christ)
- Persekutuan dengan orang percaya (Fellowship with believer)
- Perselisihan (Strife)
- Perumpamaan (Parables)
- Perzinahan (Adultery), Perzinahan antar keluarga (Incest)
- Pidato (Speech)
- Pilihan (Choice)
- Predistinasi (Predestination)
- Puasa (Fasting)
- Pujian (Praise)
- Riwayat hidup (Brevity of life)
- Roh manusia (Spirit of man)
- Semangat (Zeal)
- Setan/Iblis (Satan), Setan-setan (Demons)
- Karakter (Character)
- Iri hati (Covetousness)
- Silsilah/Genealogi (Genealogy)
- Suami (Husbands)
- Suara hati (Conscience)
- Sukacita (Joy)
- Sumpah (Oath)
- Tanggung jawab (Responsibility)
- Tarian (Dancing)
- Teguran (Reproof)
- Depresi (Depression)
- Terang (Light)
- Sesama manusia (Neighbor)
- Trinitas/Tritunggal (Trinity)
- Ucapan berkat (Benedictions)
- Upah (Reward)
- Waspada (Watchful)